Friday, September 2, 2011

Question For the Board

It appears the Board of Education has adopted a practice of calling the monthly board meeting to order and then going into executive session for 90 minutes or more leaving citizens waiting for their return.  This practice shows utter disdain for the citizens who would like to participated in the process.  The board, in the past,  has complained about the apparent lack of interest the community has had in board meetings.  Leaving citizens waiting 90 minutes or more, with absolutely no indication when they will return does not foster an environment where citizens will want to participate. 

Is this just a lack of sensitivity by the board, or is it  by design to discourage public participation?     


  1. Why don't you people stop your whining.
    If this is their common practice then maybe you should not show up so early. Since when does this group show any respect for the BOE?

  2. Be sure to vote for Gritsavage for Town Trustee!

  3. RE:The Northville School "Whiners"

    Now Ms/Mr?? Anonymous you write to complain about the "whiners" so lets briefly consider just who these "whiners" are.Presumably you are talking about the parents and taxpayers of the Northville School District-the very people who might be paying your salary and medical/retirement benefits and who,for example:

    -after watching their taxes rise on the order of 250%over the last seven years finally and in disgust overwhelmingly(549/180) voted to defeat the proposed budget.Note:You see Anonymous you have finally run out of the taxpayer's money.

    -watched with hopeful patience as Northville school Math and Reading scores fell to one of the lowest levels in the entire state.

    -frequently sat and waited patiently in empty meeting rooms while the Northville School Board went into "executive session" in a separate meeting room for several hours at a time afterwards returning to resume(10PM,11PM,12PM) the meeting on into the late evening.Never mind that it was late and those attending might have children at home or jobs to go to early the next morning.

    -in meeting after meeting made numerous practical business oriented cost saving recommendations in the hope of decisions leading to budget cost reductions.

    -So Ms/Mr Anonymous the fact that you believe that parents/taxpayers are "whiners" is contradicted by the actual facts which you propose to make irrelevant-just minor iritants to be ignored and discarded.You have confused your beliefs with the facts which you propose to make irrelevant via your meaningless post-to delegitimize the truth in order to avoid addressing the substance of the overwhelming vote against the school budget.

    To sum up as an anonymous writer you wish to avoid being judged by who you really are as a person and in the process avoid being bound by the established rules of society. If you actually believed what you said you would stand up and be accountable and even have the courage and character to sign your name. Thus an anonymous posting is essentially meaningless,not worth the time to read and your rationalization that the rules of society should not apply to you.So whats your real name Anonymous?....mine is Walter Johnson
