Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Questions for Northville School Board

The music department has extensive facilities and resources while multimedia and instructional services technologies are mediocre at best. Unlike neighboring districts such as Mayfield, few if any of the faculty have acquired a working knowledge of distance learning technology. How can this be justified while many small school districts in this country have successfully pursued distance learning as a means to improve cost-effectiveness and reduce cost? This appears to be a serious flaw in the vision of the District as it should have been preparing for the current difficult financial conditions.

Why has the District failed so dismally to address this in a timely manner? Is the union simply trying to protect its employees by dragging its feet and preventing state –of-the-art educational service delivery (as suggested by some pundits as a national trend)? New York State with its aggressive union practices is near the bottom nationally in terms of distance learning offerings in its school districts, with the exception of charter schools.

1 comment:

  1. First, I am perplexed by your question that the music department has unlimited resources. Do you know where the band room is located? Let me inform you- it is in the basement as is the other music room. The instruments that the students use are usually purchased by parents and other school instruments are loaned out to students in need. Are you suggesting that instruments are not needed for a band?? Also, the truth is that many smart boards are being installed in the school as part of a technology program. Hope that this helps to clarify this for you.
