Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Questions for Northville School Board

This school board (as well as plenty of others ones) has a habit of hiding money from the public by padding the budget and rebalancing on paper through the use of reserve funds. The audited 09/10 budget shows no less than $571,744 of such funds – the equivalent of 10% in taxes! This year’s budget appears to also have a very substantial amount of padding, in anticipation of the State tax cap. In fact, it may have as much as 10% worth of padding. The District is providing the public intentionally with misleading numbers, For instance, the flyer states that State funding was reduced by 6.9% while NYS state aid web site page shows a far lesser decline (less than 2% = $66,316). The site also shows a $32,000 increase in transportation aid including summer. This is public information and these numbers were obtained a few days ago. How does the Board explain these differences?


  1. Dear Citizens for Northville Central School- If you want to get to the true source of the problem let's look at the inequity in state funding for education between upstate and downstate districts. I believe that an organization that calls itself citizens FOR Northville Central SCHOOL should look into this and organize with other upstate districts to attack this inequity. http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2011/03/upstate_ny_schools_bear_the_br.html

  2. Also, it may be a good idea to take a look at some cost saving measures that are posted on the following website: The Alliance For Quality Education. I am not sure if N.C.S. is currently participating in any of these ideas or not but they may warrent being investigated...
