Thursday, July 7, 2011

Questions for Northville School Board

The District offers a large amount of advanced placement and high school enrichment credits in the High School. This amounts to almost 2 years of college education (a total of 52 credits according to the District web site). It appears that for the benefit of a small percentage of students, the District ( and thus the taxpayers) pays for two years of college education at an exorbitant cost. Can this be justified based on some metric of overall academic performance? How do the District students rate on the Regents exam compared to other districts? Is it reasonable to ask tax payers to pay for two years of college education in a k-12 school?

1 comment:

  1. I hope this helps to answer some of your question- First, I must say that I have a child that has taken college level courses at N.C.S.and the experience for him has been an amazing one. The courses that he has taken and will take in the future will enable him to be competitive when he applies to college. As we know the application process for college today is highly competitive. He has worked extremely hard throughout his school career to get to where he is and I am very proud of him and the many other students that take these courses. The alternative would be bleak for these students as they would not be challenged and would sit idle in study halls as they have already taken the required courses necessary for graduation. Also,I have had many friends that have graduated from N.C.S. in the past and have gone on to college to finish their degrees in three years instead of the usual four year program.
    As for the COST to the school district and to the tax payers- I do know that the parents pay for the college courses if the student wants to receive the college credit and the college pays for the teacher's time. The teachers involved with these programs teach the classes above and beyond their regularly scheduled courses. In fact one teacher has taught a college level course on the weekend.
    May the truth be with you.
